Welcome to GOA at LCS

GOA is a not-for-profit consortium of 70+ independent schools from around the world. Started by a group of independent schools looking to bring the benefits of online learning to their teachers and students, Global Online Academy prepares students for a global future by providing new, modern ways for students to learn and teachers to teach.

The schools that are members of Global Online Academy are well known for the strengths of their curricula and the excellence of their teaching.

Lincoln Community School (member since 2017) was the second school in Africa to join GOA.  LCS is one of three GOA member schools on the continent of Africa.

GOA Courses at LCS - Semester 1

  • Prisons and Criminal Justice Systems

  • Problem Solving with Engineering and Design

  • Cybersecurity

  • Introduction to Investments

  • Japanese: Language through Culture I

  • Computer Science I: Computational Thinking

  • Applying Philosophy to Modern Global Issues

  • Academic English Accelerator


Nina (GRADE 12)

Enrolling in the GOA course ‘Prisons and the Criminal Law’ in grade 10 has been one of the most advantageous decisions in my academic career. It helped me affirm my hopes to become a lawyer, and I am now more confident that I would thrive in this field. GOA permitted me to have a flexible schedule regarding my other work and extracurriculars, and the variety of our assignments were always interesting and allowed me to think both creatively and critically. Through my GOA course, I also developed a better sense of self, and my learning about the justice system has helped shape my opinions and view of the world. Additionally, the lack of a traditional class environment allowed me to expand my organisation and time-management skills, which have proved to be exceedingly beneficial in the rest of my work and personal life. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow with GOA.

Samantha  (GRADE 9)

My first year at GOA was very hectic since it was online and I had no physical support from my school teachers, I was quite nervous about going to my course with no idea of what I doing but the teacher and students were very welcoming and supportive towards my lack of knowledge to the course subject. The online learning platform lets me meet people from all sorts of backgrounds and hear their way of thinking which lets me view the world through a different lens too. My course in Macroeconomics let me pay more attention to the world surrounding me, things I did not notice before I notice them now. Overall the experience on its own I feel like has made me explore more topics that I was not comfortable with especially with how friendly everyone is on the academy.