




The Middle Years Programme (MYP) © International Baccalaureate Organization 2018, at Lincoln Community School is a vibrant, dynamic program for learners in grades 6-10. Created with the expertise and dedication of our Middle School and High School faculty members, our students learn, lead, and connect with confidence. You can learn about the MYP on the International Baccalaureate's website.

When we learn, we grow.
The MYP curriculum framework includes eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education for our early adolescents. The MYP aims to help students develop a sense of self and responsibility in their community. Courses are developed around compelling concepts through Global Contexts, using innovative technology and promoting interdisciplinary understanding. Our five-year program prepares learners well for the Diploma Program (DP).

When we lead, we serve.
The MYP@LCS encourages continued development of the ten attributes of the IB learner profile introduced and encouraged in the Primary Years Program (PYP). MYP students develop the skills of global leaders in class, in after-school creative and athletic activities, and through Service Projects.

When we connect, we thrive.
The MYP@LCS is connected to people in our host country Ghana and to people all over the world. With site visits, guest performances, videoconferences, and a 10th grade Personal Project, MYP learners connect and contribute locally and globally, with purpose and International-Mindedness.

MYP Subject Briefs

Arts Design Individuals & Societies Language Acquisition
Language & Literature Mathematics Physical & Heath Education Sciences