ES Deputy Principal and T&L Coordinator - PYP
The Primary Years Programme (PYP) © International Baccalaureate Organization 2018, is a curricular framework that allows for the in-depth study of big ideas over time. Student voice, choice, and ownership are integral in the planning of our program. We encourage and support students to take action, however big or small, based on the discoveries they have made in their learning. The goal of the program is to develop all the attributes of the Learner Profile. You can learn about the PYP on the International Baccalaureate's website.
When we learn, we grow.
Students’ learning is framed by the Program of Inquiry which consists of six units per year in Grades 1-5 and four units in ECC. Together, students and teachers explore the central idea of each unit and learn through the inquiry cycle as they tune in, find and sort out, go further, make conclusions, and take action.
When we lead, we serve.
Students are actively involved in various stages of learning and are encouraged to be self-directed instead of passive receivers of knowledge. Students take agency in leading their own learning.
When we connect, we thrive.
Core and specialized subjects are integrated into the units of inquiry as much as possible and in ways that create pathways to learning and understanding the concepts and skills outlined by the PYP. Students make connections to their own lives, the community, and the world through action projects, personal inquiries, and ongoing reflection.
Please click here to read the LCS Program of Inquiry.